Friday, April 23, 2010

Scrapping Secrets

I am starting a monthly contest for followers of this blog. They might be challenges, word games, or I might even ask you to contribute ideas. Each month I will post the contest and give 7 days for entries, then I will select a winner and they will receive various CTMH product for FREE!

This month's contest is to complete the following phrase, make sure it is creative and true to those in the scrapping-world.

"As a scrapper, sometimes I secretly..."

Make sure your response is left in the comments section of the blog.

The prize package is valued at about $10, and includes 1 mini stamp set, 1 clear shapes embellishments, and 1 olive green stamp pad.

I can't wait to see your responses, and tell your friends. Remember, you must be a follower to participate!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Document Like Never Before...EVER!

As I was cleaning out my scrapping room yesterday, I found the stack of pictures from various events that didn't "make the cut" to be on a 12x12 layout for my kids' albums. I flipped through them and thought of how much they had grown and how special they were. Then I was struck with a realization. This stack of pictures would be shoved in a box and set aside, probably not to be seen again until I was dead since my kids will have their personal libraries of albums to reflect upon and share with their posterity.

But what stuck with me most was that through the genealogical work of my mom I have access to a handful of pictures of my ancestors. We on the other hand, are raising a generation of kids who will be the most well documented group of humans in history...EVER. Moments that were impossible to catch 100 years ago, or even 30 years ago are being recorded. Take for example the ultrasound pictures we all take for granted, or how many of you moms photographed or even kept your positive pregnancy tests! I even kept the tape from the monitor for my contractions during labor!

During spring break, my mom and I sifted through old family pictures. And I loved seeing her as a kid (mostly to make fun of her horn-rimmed cat-eye glasses at age 3!) but what I found fascinating was that the limited number of pictures were all posed, standing looking dead into the camera. Whereas, I have hundreds and soon to be thousands of pictures that are not a portrait one. The snapshot is the new historical record of our children. Without the limitations of film, we can shoot 300 pictures of a birthday party and not even hesitate to print half of them off! We take pictures and movies of our kids on our phones and then post them across the globe.

This amazing and historical record keeping method is something of which you should take full advantage. Make sure your family's history isn't left out of the monumental social record that will be looked upon and researched 100's of years from now. So ladies, get out your pictures and all that paper...get in that room and SCRAP!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

1-2-3 Challenge

This week's challenge was to use 1 stamp, 2 pieces of patterned paper, and 3 embellishments. I liked this one, but really felt more challenged by the color challenge last week.

I used B&T paper from the Twitterpated Level 2 Kit and then the Adoration stamp set. I embellished with a hinge and the photo corners by CTMH. The ribbon is the only non-CTMH product, and I would love to give credit to the brand, but can't do so since I have had it forever on a spool and don't remember where I got it!

Friday, April 9, 2010

This is it!

This is my first page for the Heart 2 Heart Challenge. Most of the other entries are cards, I wonder if that was part of the rules? Hmmm. I am only about 50% in love with this page. But, hey you got to start somewhere right?

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Because I don't have enough on my plate!

I am going to give this a shot, maybe you should too!

Monday, April 5, 2010

What's Holding you back?

This PRO-365 has offered me a realization that I am not the uber-organized scrapper I thought I was. I find that I have 15 projects going on at any time and what I have self diagnosed as a case of paper-crafting A.D.D. But on the upside of that is, that I am never bored when I enter my little lair of stickers, chipboard, and stacks of "can't live without it" 12x12 paper.

I have only "scrapped" January 1 thru Feb 14! Can you believe it, me the "organizer" of this whole project?!!?!? Gee, that's embarrassing. Yet, last night, I recommitted once again to get this show on the road. I ordered the last week of Feb. and all of March from Shutterfly and I am on the road to recovery.

So what I pose to you, is what is holding you back from your memory preservation mission? And don't blame your kids!

I do have to share with you one of my new favorite tools for this project, it is a stamp with the days of the week and seasons of the year. It is made by 7 Gypsies and I got it for about $5!

I also had to post the adorable goodies that have been distracting me! They are for my dear friend Landi's baby shower next weekend. I used the Twitterpated set by Close to my Heart, that included the colors of Sweet Leaf, Sorbet and Chocolate. I was pretty pleased with the way everything turned out!